Welcome to LBI United Methodist Churches

Join us for 9:30 AM Worship Service at Terrace UMC    101 East New Jersey Ave., Beach Haven Terrace

Need a little spiritual boost during the week?
Join Pastor Scott LIVE for daily morning devotions, Monday - Friday at 8:30 AM
on our 
 Facebook page

Join in a small group study Thursday mornings

Two Church Campuses
One Family

If you are new in the area or searching for a church family, connect with Pastor Scott at PastorScottlbi@gmail.com to find out more about our unique churches on LBI. ​

Whether you're looking to reach out to the community in mission or finding a meaningful place to call your church home, there is a special place for you to join us in your journey of faith.

Our two locations are:
Kynett United Methodist Church
127 Centre Street, Beach Haven, NJ 08008

First United Methodist Church
101 East New Jersey Ave., Beach Haven Terrace, NJ 08008

Church Office Hours:
Tuesday-Thursday 9:00 AM - 1:30 PM

person under water holding brown wooden cross above water at daytime

Grow in faith

Life is a journey, and we grow in our faith along the way as we learn to love God and love our neighbors as ourselves. 
Our growth happens when we gather in community and share our lives with one another.

At LBIChurches, we believe in the importance of connection. Below are some of the opportunities open for everyone to join in.

Morning Devotions

Getting our day started with a word from God sets the tone for our entire day. Join Pastor Scott for 15 minutes each Monday-Friday at 8:30 AM on our Facebook page for the encouragement you need to face the day. 

Find devotions here

Small Group Studies

Throughout the year we offer small group studies with both in-person and virtual access, focusing on a variety of subjects, and offered on different days and times. 

Find out more

Missional Engagement

Part of our call to love our neighbors as ourselves is to serve our community in hands-on ministry, thereby developing relationships and transforming lives.
We are engaged in a number of ongoing ministry opportunities as well as monthly and seasonal opportunities to serve our neighbors. 

Find out more

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