Monthly Mission

These are the current outreach and mission opportunities, along with our Community Partners

If you wish to donate to the current mission opportunity, you can give online on the "Donate" tab (select "Monthly Mission") or by mail to one of our churches. If you have questions, please contact us

See a list of all of our Mission Partners HERE.

Monthly Mission:
St. Francis Food Pantry

The St. Francis Human Concerns Food Pantry on LBI is one of the largest in Ocean County that distributes food items and personal hygiene products to families in need. The Human Concerns Program is a homeless prevention program that serves clients living in Southern Ocean County. Financial donations will be sent to St. Francis to assist in filling their shelves. As always, non-perishable food items and personal hygiene items can be dropped off at either church in January or throughout the year.

Monthly Mission:
Human Relations Day

The United Methodist Church, on Human Relations Day, will celebrate and support, through a special offering, social justice and outreach ministries that “empower all God’s children to realize their full potential as human beings in relationship with one another. “This offering aids a multi-racial/ethnic collection of church and community-based projects that strive to bring about justice, reconciliation and human development. Human Relations Day’s date, January 14, is linked meaningfully to the birthday of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and his vision of “the beloved community. “Every contribution makes a difference in this important work for the upbuilding of human lives and relationships.

Ongoing Monthly Mission: 
Atlantic City Rescue Mission

Don't throw away your old clothing or sent them to a shredder! Give them new life! Bag your old clothes and drop them off at the church office for delivery to the Atlantic City Rescue Mission.

Community Partner:
Compassion Cafe

Compassion Cafe seeks the integration of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities through hands-on training and employment in a small coffee shop environment. By providing meaningful, paid employment for teens and adults with special needs, our employees will gain independence, self-confidence, and work skills for a successful future. We offer part-time summer employment in a small coffee shop setting while partnering with local businesses in a true non-profit model.

Community Partner:
Coffee Bouteaque

Coffee Bouteaque roasts unique coffees and offers a wide variety of teas from around the world, providing an enjoyable experience for guests on the Island. During summer worship services at the bay, guests attending worship receive a free cup of coffee as a warm welcome!